Looze The Blooz


I felt a bit out of sorts one day, so I made a trip to my local library. On a shelf among hundreds of books, this purplish covered book caught my eye. I grabbed a little person’s chair and read “STUCK WITH THE BLOOZ” by Caron Lewis and Illustrated by Jon Davis.

What do you do when you’re feeling blue?

I quickly became one with the book.


I was the little girl in her room - she does everything to shake the Blooz, but she can’t, so she becomes creative.

She tries everything, like making a hideout in her room, and sings a song out of sighs. She paints a picture, turns it into an airplane and lets it fly.

Then she climbs on her bike with Blooz on her back. Wobbles down the road, feels wind whoosh, sees the trees whizz, hears the wheels hum.

Then it hits a bump! Blooz was holding on as much as it could. It tumbles into the clouds. And then the Blooz was gone. All that was left was quiet.

And when she looked around… she finds the brightest, bluest day.


I love this book. It shows us that the Blooz can come upon us at any given moment. It’s our human nature to fight it, reason with it, and wish it go away.

Maybe it’s okay to be creative with it instead. Let the Blooz spend time with you. And when you have no choice but to take it with you, watch how life brings another turn, and then.

POOF! It’s gone.


May you find God’s peace in each day. Spend some quiet time in His presence and see what happens.

